You're Fired: How to Deal with Sacking and Find a New Job
You're fired, and it may be turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
When was the last time that you visited Kensington Gardens? You groaned whenever the bus passed by Royal Albert Hall, as the royal park wasn't far away. You knew what you would do when you set foot in that ground once more. Run. There couldn't be a better way to let go of the negative emotions, which have been brought by your dismissal. You would be mad, which should be a natural reaction. There won't be any reason to wonder about it, though. And the gray weather wouldn't help you look at the bright side sooner. You might want to bring a paperback with you, as you catch up on a novel that you should have finished many moons ago. You could pick up a new perspective, which may help you look at your predicament differently. You would need it, and it's cheaper than going on a holiday. (You've been noticing backpackers with trolley luggage on every other block. It seemed to be a ubiquitous sight.)
You must not worry about the time, which you presume to be wasting away. You need to distance yourself from the hard feelings after dealing with it for days, if not weeks. It would be up to you to figure out when you should look for a new job. Make it sure that you would look at your past situation in an objective, if not positive, light after spending some time alone. Besides, we can help you with your CV writing and you don't need to worry about that.
Your attention shifts to the job interview afterward. If your recent tenure (in the company) is a short one, then you can omit it from your CV. And there's no need to mention it during the interview. It doesn't matter if the recruiter (or employer) would guess it or not, as putting your own spin into the events, which would lead to your termination, is the most important thing. You could guess if you get the job (or not).
How Would You Present Your Previous (Work) Experience
It would be best to draw some positives from it. You must cite your achievements, highlighting figures that would impress the recruiter. It won't be good enough, though. You also want to keep the interview as natural as possible, so share an important lesson that you learn from your previous (work) experience. Don't try to patronize your prospective employer, if not throw a hint of your firing from your previous job experience. It's not a professional thing to do (during an interview).
If you've been in your previous job for some time, then keep it short and direct to the point. You have three ways of stating your reasons (behind your dismissal). If it's due to redundancy, then give a big picture of what has happened to you. If it's an organisation change, then point out the change in priorities. You could state a joint decision (between you and the company), but don't give too many details on this last one. You might end up being defensive about the reasons (behind your firing).
Pay attention to your network messages. Don't ever look desperate in your job search, which would reflect on your CV. It won't be hard for recruiters to see the signs, where you list down your skills. You didn't do your homework, you didn't focus on certain skills as well. It won't be right to ask about an opening. Try a subtle approach, where you like to know more about Firm A or Sector B. If you can't be earnest about it, then fib it. This wouldn't require lots of effort on your part. (You may like to start with a general topic, which you and your network are interested in. It's up to you to know your cue, of when you can shift the conversation to your job hunt.)
Redefining Personal Wellness
A new job is the only way to put your dismissal behind. You should have moved on before you get hired, though. It should keep you from slating your previous employer, even you have been wronged. (There's no point in blasting your employer while composing a cover letter.)
You might have kept a folder of positive performance reviews, as well as previous letters of reference from past employers. This is the best time to bring it out, look at it one more time, and highlight statements that you could put into your CV. There's nothing wrong about placing it in your LinkedIn profile, as it may be the fastest way for recruiters to notice you.
You might not have parted ways from the company that you're working for. Yet. Remove any personal files from your computer. If you request for a reference letter, then think twice about it. (There must be an agreement on this one, as the wording could mean success or failure.) And part ways from your (soon-to-be) workmates gracefully. It's about letting go, which may be easier said than done. If you don't want to prolong the waiting game, then do it properly.